
Use local files as Kitex’s service governance configuration center

Supported file type

json yaml


go get


Local file configuration center adapter, kitex converts the configuration in local files into governance feature configurations of kitex through WithSuite.

The usage can be divided into two steps:

  1. Create a file watcher (FileWatcher).
  2. Use WithSuite to introduce configuration monitoring.


type FileConfigServerSuite struct {
	watcher monitor.ConfigMonitor

Function Signature:

func NewSuite(key string, watcher filewatcher.FileWatcher, opts ...utils.Option) *FileConfigServerSuite

Sample code(or visit here):

package main

import (

	kitexserver ""
	fileserver ""

var _ api.Echo = &EchoImpl{}

const (
	filepath    = "kitex_server.json"
	key         = "ServiceName"
	serviceName = "ServiceName"

// EchoImpl implements the last service interface defined in the IDL.
type EchoImpl struct{}

// Echo implements the Echo interface.
func (s *EchoImpl) Echo(ctx context.Context, req *api.Request) (resp *api.Response, err error) {
	klog.Info("echo called")
	return &api.Response{Message: req.Message}, nil

// customed by user
type MyParser struct{}

// one example for custom parser
// if the type of server config is json or yaml,just using default parser
func (p *MyParser) Decode(kind parser.ConfigType, data []byte, config interface{}) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(data, config)

func main() {

	// Create a filewatcher object.
	fw, err := filewatcher.NewFileWatcher(filepath)
	if err != nil {
	// Start monitoring file changes.
	if err = fw.StartWatching(); err != nil {
	defer fw.StopWatching()

	svr := echo.NewServer(
		kitexserver.WithServerBasicInfo(&rpcinfo.EndpointBasicInfo{ServiceName: serviceName}),
		kitexserver.WithSuite(fileserver.NewSuite(key, fw)), // Add watcher
	if err := svr.Run(); err != nil {
		log.Println("server stopped with error:", err)
	} else {
		log.Println("server stopped")


type FileConfigClientSuite struct {
	watcher monitor.ConfigMonitor
	service string

Function Signature:

func NewSuite(service, key string, watcher filewatcher.FileWatcher,opts ...utils.Option)*FileConfigClientSuite

Sample code(or visit here):

package main

import (

	kitexclient ""
	fileclient ""

const (
	filepath    = "kitex_client.json"
	key         = "ClientName/ServiceName"
	serviceName = "ServiceName"
	clientName  = "ClientName"

// customed by user
type MyParser struct{}

// one example for custom parser
// if the type of client config is json or yaml,just using default parser
func (p *MyParser) Decode(kind parser.ConfigType, data []byte, config interface{}) error {
	return json.Unmarshal(data, config)

func main() {

	// Create a file watcher object.
	fw, err := filewatcher.NewFileWatcher(filepath)
	if err != nil {
	// Start monitoring file changes.
	if err = fw.StartWatching(); err != nil {

	go func() {
		sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

	client, err := echo.NewClient(
		kitexclient.WithSuite(fileclient.NewSuite(serviceName, key, fw)),
	if err != nil {

	for {
		req := &api.Request{Message: "my request"}
		resp, err := client.Echo(context.Background(), req)
		if err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("take request error: %v", err)
		} else {
			klog.Infof("receive response %v", resp)
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)


Create a local file watcher

Function Signature:

func NewFileWatcher(filePath string) (FileWatcher, error)

Sample code:

package main

import ""

func main() {
	// Create a filewatcher object.
	fw, err := filewatcher.NewFileWatcher(filepath)
	if err != nil {
	// Start file monitoring (should be started before importing the Suite).
	if err = fw.StartWatching(); err != nil {

    // Cancel watching when the program exits.
	go func() {
		sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

In the server-side (Server), due to the characteristics of KitexServer, we only need to define defer fw.StopWatching()


Custom Parser

Define a custom format parser and pass it in through option of NewSuite. The format supports json and yaml by default.

Interface Definition:

// ConfigParser the parser for config file.
type ConfigParser interface {
	Decode(kind ConfigType, data []byte, config interface{}) error


Extend parsing YAML types.

// customed by user
type MyParser struct{}

// one example for custom parser
// if the type of client config is json or yaml,just using default parser
func (p *MyParser) Decode(kind parser.ConfigType, data []byte, config interface{}) error {
	return yaml.Unmarshal(data, config)

const YAML parser.ConfigType = "yaml"

func withParser(o *utils.Options) {
	o.Parser = &MyParser{}
	o.Params = &parser.ConfigParam{
		Type: YAML,

// passed in with `NewSuite`

// server
svr := echo.NewServer(
		kitexserver.WithServerBasicInfo(&rpcinfo.EndpointBasicInfo{ServiceName: serviceName}),
		kitexserver.WithSuite(fileserver.NewSuite(key, fw, withParser)), // add watcher

// client
client, err := echo.NewClient(
		kitexclient.WithSuite(fileclient.NewSuite(serviceName, key, fw, withParser)),

Governance Policy

In subsequent examples, we set the service name to ServiceName and the client name to ClientName.

Rate Limit


Currently, current limiting only supports the server side, so ClientServiceName is empty.

JSON Schema

Variable Introduction
connection_limit Maximum concurrent connections
qps_limit Maximum request number every 100ms


  "ServiceName": {
    "limit": {
      "connection_limit": 300,
      "qps_limit": 200


  • The granularity of the current limit configuration is server global, regardless of client or method.
  • Not configured or value is 0 means not enabled.
  • connection_limit and qps_limit can be configured independently, e.g. connection_limit = 100, qps_limit = 0
  • Multiple different rate limiting strategies for multiple services can be written within a single JSON file. Simply use filewatch to monitor the same file and pass in different keys. As shown in the example, the key is ServiceName

Retry Policy


JSON Schema

Variable Introduction
type 0: failure_policy 1: backup_policy
failure_policy.backoff_policy Can only be set one of fixed none random


key is ClientName/ServiceName

  "ClientName/ServiceName": {
    "retry": {
      "*": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": 0,
        "failure_policy": {
          "stop_policy": {
            "max_retry_times": 3,
            "max_duration_ms": 2000,
            "cb_policy": {
              "error_rate": 0.2
      "Echo": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": 1,
        "backup_policy": {
          "retry_delay_ms": 200,
          "stop_policy": {
            "max_retry_times": 2,
            "max_duration_ms": 1000,
            "cb_policy": {
              "error_rate": 0.3

Note: retry.Container has built-in support for specifying the default configuration using the * wildcard (see the getRetryer method for details).

RPC Timeout


JSON Schema


key is ClientName/ServiceName

  "ClientName/ServiceName": {
    "timeout": {
      "*": {
        "conn_timeout_ms": 100,
        "rpc_timeout_ms": 2000
      "Pay": {
        "conn_timeout_ms": 50,
        "rpc_timeout_ms": 1000

Circuit Break


JSON Schema

Variable Introduction
min_sample Minimum statistical sample number

The echo method uses the following configuration (0.3, 100) and other methods use the global default configuration (0.5, 200)


key is ClientName/ServiceName

  "ClientName/ServiceName": {
    "circuitbreaker": {
      "Echo": {
        "enable": true,
        "err_rate": 0.3,
        "min_sample": 100

Note: The circuit breaker implementation of kitex does not currently support changing the global default configuration (see initServiceCB for details).

More Info

Refer to example for more usage.


Client/Server Key

For client configuration, you should write all their configurations in the same pair of $UserServiceName/$ServerServiceName, for example

  "ClientName/ServiceName": {
    "timeout": {
      "*": {
        "conn_timeout_ms": 100,
        "rpc_timeout_ms": 2000
      "Pay": {
        "conn_timeout_ms": 50,
        "rpc_timeout_ms": 1000
    "circuitbreaker": {
      "Echo": {
        "enable": true,
        "err_rate": 0.3,
        "min_sample": 100
    "retry": {
      "*": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": 0,
        "failure_policy": {
          "stop_policy": {
            "max_retry_times": 3,
            "max_duration_ms": 2000,
            "cb_policy": {
              "error_rate": 0.2
      "Echo": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": 1,
        "backup_policy": {
          "retry_delay_ms": 200,
          "stop_policy": {
            "max_retry_times": 2,
            "max_duration_ms": 1000,
            "cb_policy": {
              "error_rate": 0.3


The project uses the new features of sync/atomic added in version 1.19, so the Go version must be >= 1.19

Last modified July 12, 2024 : fix: zh community page style (#1105) (5b2a122)