
Hertz interfaces with zap and lumberjack.

Logger structure

var _ hlog.FullLogger = (*Logger)(nil)

type Logger struct {
    l      *zap.SugaredLogger
    config *config


Create and initialize a Logger through defaultConfig(). The required configuration can be passed into the function as a parameter. If no parameter is passed in, the initial configuration will be installed to create a Logger For related configuration, please refer to option configuration below

Function Signature:

func NewLogger(opts ...Option) *Logger

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    logger := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithZapOptions(zap.WithFatalHook(zapcore.WriteThenPanic)))



Logger is used to return an instance of *zap.Logger for custom fields, etc

Function Signature:

func (l *Logger) Logger() *zap.Logger

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    logger := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithZapOptions(zap.WithFatalHook(zapcore.WriteThenPanic)))

    l := logger.Logger()

Option configuration


Encoder is a format-agnostic interface for all log entry marshalers, WithCoreEnc passes zapcore.Encoder into configuration

Function Signature:

func WithCoreEnc(enc zapcore.Encoder) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    enc := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig())
    l := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithCoreEnc(enc))


WithCoreWs specifies the location where the log is written through the zapcore.AddSync(file), and passes zapcore.WriteSyncer into the configuration

Function Signature:

func WithCoreWs(ws zapcore.WriteSyncer) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    ws := zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout)


WithCoreLevel passes zap.AtomicLevel into configuration

Function Signature:

func WithCoreLevel(lvl zap.AtomicLevel) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    lvl := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)


WithCores passes zapcore.Encoder, zapcore.WriteSyncer, zap.AtomicLevel into CoreConfig into the configuration

Function Signature:

func WithCores(coreConfigs ...CoreConfig) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    enc := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig())
    lvl := zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.InfoLevel)
    ws := zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout)

    cfg := hertzzap.CoreConfig{
        Enc: enc,
        Ws:  ws,
        Lvl: lvl,

    l := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithCores(cfg))


WithZapOptions uses the append() method to append the original zap configuration

Function Signature:

func WithZapOptions(opts ...zap.Option) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    opts := zap.AddCaller()
    l := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithZapOptions(opts,zap.Hooks()))


ExtraKey is a field in the zap.config structure used to store extra keys. WithExtraKeys judges the incoming parameters. If they are not added to zap.config, the incoming parameters are added to zap .config

Function Signature:

type ExtraKey String

func WithExtraKeys(keys []ExtraKey) Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    l := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithExtraKeys())


WithExtraKeyAsStr convert extraKey to a string type when retrieving value from context

Not recommended for use, only for compatibility with certain situations

Typically used with WithExtraKeys

Function Signature:

func WithExtraKeyAsStr() Option

Sample code:

package main

import (
    hertzzap ""

func main() {
    l := hertzzap.NewLogger(hertzzap.WithExtraKeys(),hertzzap.WithExtraKeyAsStr())

A complete zap example

package main

import (

	hertzzap ""

func main() {
	h := server.Default()

	// Customizable output directory.
	var logFilePath string
	dir := "./hlog"
	logFilePath = dir + "/logs/"
	if err := os.MkdirAll(logFilePath, 0o777); err != nil {

	// set filename to date
	logFileName := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02") + ".log"
	fileName := path.Join(logFilePath, logFileName)
	if _, err := os.Stat(fileName); err != nil {
		if _, err := os.Create(fileName); err != nil {

	logger := hertzzap.NewLogger()
	// Provides compression and deletion
	lumberjackLogger := &lumberjack.Logger{
		Filename:   fileName,
		MaxSize:    20,   // A file can be up to 20M.
		MaxBackups: 5,    // Save up to 5 files at the same time
		MaxAge:     10,   // A file can be saved for up to 10 days.
		Compress:   true, // Compress with gzip.



	h.GET("/hello", func(ctx context.Context, c *app.RequestContext) {
		hlog.Info("Hello, hertz")
		c.String(consts.StatusOK, "Hello hertz!")


For more details on how to adapt the interface of hlog, see hertz-contrib/logger/zap

Last modified July 12, 2024 : fix: zh community page style (#1105) (5b2a122)