
cwgo supports automatic completion at the command line.

How to enable auto-completion

Supported in Bash

Temporary support for Bash completion

mkdir autocomplete # You can choose any location you like
cwgo completion bash > ./autocomplete/bash_autocomplete
source ./autocomplete/bash_autocomplete

Permanent support for Bash completion

sudo cp autocomplete/bash_autocomplete /etc/bash_completion.d/cwgo

source /etc/bash_completion.d/cwgo

Supported in Zsh

Temporary support for Zsh completion

mkdir autocomplete # You can choose any location you like
cwgo completion zsh > ./autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete
source ./autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete

Supported in PowerShell

Temporary support for PowerShell completion

mkdir autocomplete
cwgo completion powershell | Out-File autocomplete/cwgo.ps1
& autocomplete/cwgo.ps1

Permanent support for PowerShell completion

open the $profile.

Add a line inside:

& path/to/autocomplete/cwgo.ps1

Note that the name and path of the ps1 script must be correctly configured here, and then permanent auto-completion can be performed.

Last modified July 12, 2024 : fix: zh community page style (#1105) (5b2a122)